Friday, February 27, 2009

Assignment 2 Genre (Why Asian Guys Can't Get White Girls)

Why Asian Guys Can't Get White Girls

There has always been a question that why asian guys can’t get white girls among almost every universities in America. Many asian students are trying to figure this out, and one of the good answers for this question is in this video I post above. It is a very funny video made by some Chinese students who had a hard struggle to find the truly answer. They made several hypotheses at the beginning and composed the funny music and odd sound into it to make this video more humorous, then the real reason came out at the very end, which really impressed the audiences.

When I first thought about this question, the difference on the appearance is going to be the biggest problem related to this fact. The two Chinese guys in the video have discussed this difference. Because the white gays got longer hairs and nicer buns on their body, girls really like that! But one of their friends also had those appearances, he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Therefore, the good appearances can’t be the reason for that. As for some of my white friends, they don’t have long hairs and nice buns, and some are very sloppy and annoying sometimes. But the truth is that some pretty nice girls always fall in love with them eventually. Accordingly, there must be another way to explain this unfair ending.

Another hypothesis they have made in the video is that the white gays always give girls an overwhelmed impression at the first time, but asian gays can not. When the Chinese gay’s white friend is trying to attract an asian girl, everything seems unforced and natural. He uses his eye contact and language, like magic, the girl runs to him and asks his number. On the contrary, the Chinese gay doesn’t get any favor from the girls. He shrinks his body like a shy little boy and covers his eyes by his hand. Apparently, he is afraid to interact with girls and afraid of the other people’s bad opinion about him. As a consequence, no one is interested about him and he gets the girl’s “angry juice” in the end. According to my experience, girls are more willing to talk with my white friends. Maybe it’s because they have more interested topic; they’d like to share their personal opinion; or they just have a different culture background. Anyway, those could be the reason why they don’t like to talk to us, but if we become the way they are, will the girl like us?

At the end of the video, an Indian gay tells the real answer for the question, which is confidence! That’s true! If we really become talkative and sensitive to girls and willing to share our interested thoughts and opinions with them, girls will never ignore us. But all of those positive behaviors must be with our confidence. Take me as an example. I’m often afraid of talking with white girls when first came to America. I knew I lacked of confidence and acted like the shy man in the video when I’m talking to white girls. After I realized that it isn’t good for my practice of language and my social contact, I began to change the way I’m interacting with people.

Another important reason that I would like to add to this video is that the culture differences. Sometimes, we don’t have a common topic in our conversion, which will lead to a very embarrassed situation. Maybe it’s because we are not living in the same culture background and the things we have met are completely different. Also, we may have different opinions about one topic. This is probably because we have quite different sense of value in our mind which is hard to be changed.

I really like this video. The answer it gives to the audiences is reasonable and convictive, and I also like the humors that the different race of people is acting it in the different ways. The most important thing I learned from this video is to be confident whenever in my life, but not how to get a white girl.

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